Camping Halfweg
Camping in the Achterhoek


Camping Halfweg

Varsseveldseweg 38

7061 GG Terborg

Eric Aarsen +31 6 51127805
Petra Aarsen + 31 6 85341889 

For questions or to make a reservation please contact Eric or Petra Aarsen. This can be done by calling or sending an email to

Please note: Some navigation systems indicate that there is no Varsseveldseweg 38 in Terborg, in which case you should enter Westendorp as the place.


The reception is open daily between 9.00am and 17.00pm. If the reception is absent, you can call Eric (+31 6 51127805) or Petra (+31 6 85341889) Aarsen. Outside opening hours you can contact us by sending a WhatsApp message to Eric (+31 6 51127805) or Petra (+31 6 85341889).

In case of emergency or urgent matters that cannot wait until the next day, you can always contact Eric (+31 6 51127805) or Petra (+31 6 85341889) by phone.
